System overview Recommendation Row

Recommendation Row

Recommendation Row is a high-visibility area on the Home screen where users can find fresh content. It is the easiest way for users to access content without launching an app. Recommendation Row aims to maintain a balanced mix of relevant and new content.

By promoting your app on Recommendation Row, your content has a higher chance of catching the user's attention with intriguing and relevant content.

Types of recommendations Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

Your app can publish three types of recommended content: continuation, new, and related. When promoting content, use signals within your own app to determine what is relevant to the user based on their consumption behavior. Keep in mind the device could be shared with family or friends. Recommend age-appropriate content only.

Continuation content

If the user is watching an episodic series, include a continuation recommendation so they can easily pick up where they left off.

New content

When a new first-run episode is available, recommend it if the user is all caught up with another series. (But be mindful of showing spoilers!)

Related content

Recommend content the user may like based on historic behavior.

Card customization Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

You can convey branding on your recommendation card. Here are some items you can customize:

Card imagery

Choose imagery that describes the content best.

Card color & app icon

Select a card color that works with white text. For app icons use 16dp #EEEEEE mono colored.

Title & subtitle string

A Title should be targeted to the card, such as a song or movie title

A Subtitle may indicate:

  • A playlist
  • An artist’s name
  • Why it’s recommended (such as New Episode” or Just released)
  • Status (such as live, resume, now playing, or recording)

Background imagery

Background imagery is associated with a focused Recommendation Card. Using different background imagery from the card content is recommended.

Now Playing Card Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

For media apps, Now Playing Cards allow users to easily resume recently played content. Currently playing or paused content is displayed on the Home screen as the first Now Playing Card, so the user can quickly resume their last activity.

Interstellar: © 2015 Paramount Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Annie: © 2015 Columbia Pictures.  All Rights Reserved.
Boyhood: © 2015 Paramount Studios. All Rights Reserved.
The Royals: © 2015 NBCUniversal. All Rights Reserved.