Design principles Designing for TV

Designing for TV

TV appropriate apps Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

Apps best suited for TV offer immersive entertainment experiences. Apps that provide learning, playing, communicating, and content consumption are good examples, but this isn’t a comprehensive list.

TV apps should:

  • Involve easy setup
  • Use limited screens
  • Share social context
  • Do a few key things really well

TV apps should not:

  • Be text-heavy
  • Emphasize administrative tasks

Simple navigation Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

TV should provide the shortest possible path to content.

Place the fewest screens possible between the viewer and content.  When screens are necessary, they are consistent and simple to operate with an input device.

Information density Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

Due to the viewing distance of the TV, users may not be able to process as much information on TV as they would on a computer or mobile device. Limit the amount of text and reading on TV screens.


Show the most important and necessary information by default. Use scrolling or progressive disclosure to reveal more.


Avoid content overload. Don’t present all the information at once.