
A proud past, inspiring the future

Mr Borgward, yours is a prestigious name. As a young man, how significant
was the family legacy for you?

People always have something to say about the name. I became accustomed to that as a child,
and nothing has changed in that respect. But it's never made me feel self-important or imposed a
burden on me. I'm pleased that my grandfather's legacy has endured for two generations,
and I have always been delighted when people want to talk to me about my family's history.

Almost 100 years ago your grandfather, Carl F. W. Borgward, established one of
post-war Germany's most successful car producers out of nothing. To what extent has this
achievement influenced you?

Firstly, I regret not having had the opportunity to know my grandfather in person. He passed away before I was born. But I have always much admired his tremendous achievements and life's work. The BORGWARD company history made a huge impression on me because the firm's success was built on the dreams of just one man. It was his will, courage and energy that within 40 years created an enterprise that sold more than a million vehicles worldwide and employed in excess of 20,000 people. I was always astonished by how much one man can accomplish if he has a dream and pursues it to the end.

Is that what inspired you to resurrect the brand?

Yes, very much. My grandfather came from a humble background. What we have in common is the capacity to dream big. I would like to have the courage, as he did, to make the dream come true, no matter what obstacles are put in the way by adversaries or doubters. My father, Claus BORGWARD, shared the same trait. He worked hard all his life and rose through the ranks to become a member of Volkswagen's executive board. But he always remained a down-to-earth and modest person; he certainly never had his head in the clouds. My father taught me the prime importance of human values, instilling a strong sense of social justice, responsibility and loyalty. Always being there for others is a characteristic he inherited from his own father, Carl F. W. Borgward. Notwithstanding his single-minded ambition and authority, my grandfather always looked after his employees. I recall a picture that was taken in 1961, when the final Isabella rolled off the production line. The workers who had lost their jobs had placed a sign on the windscreen that read: "BORGWARD, you were too good for this world." That tells me a lot more than all the tales that were written about my grandfather later.

Are you saddened by those stories?

Many aspects of the BORGWARD history remain a mystery to me. I have met so many people who know more about the history than I do, who have examined it closely and know every detail. I don't profess to have their knowledge, but I have made many acquaintances over the years whose understanding and enthusiasm for the marque have inspired me and reinforced my vision. And I am certain that the life's work of my grandfather is worthy of a second chance.

How did you hit upon the idea of resurrecting BORGWARD?

After my father's death I became the spokesman for BORGWARD's history, and it was clear that large numbers of enthusiasts, journalists and authors were still interested in the brand's past. One day I was asked, "How would things be if BORGWARD had survived and still existed today?" The question fascinated me, and the underlying notion has stayed in my mind ever since. And when I met my business partner Karlheinz Knöss in 2005 and told him about my idea, he was hooked straight away. In the intervening decade we have been spurring each other on and bringing our vision to life.

It is a very daring undertaking. What has kept you going?

Perhaps through the influence of my grandfather's history and my father's example, I believe that, given the will to succeed, you can achieve anything. You have to set a target and pursue it with all your heart; and if you have a dream, as I do, you will fight for it. Everything is then possible. Success cannot be guaranteed, of course, but in my view, dreaming about and fighting for a cause is a first step in the right direction. The ensuing positive energy and momentum enable you to overcome any resistance. You also need the good fortune to meet people who are willing to help you reach the goal. And I am very grateful to all those who have assisted me.

Do you drive a BORGWARD yourself?

My first car was a Lloyd Alexander that I obtained from my father, whose first car was also an Alexander. When I was 16 he said that he would either give me the money for a moped or buy me an old car so that I could spend my time restoring it until I was 18. I took the second option and found a suitable BORGWARD. From time to time ever since then, I've been able to drive a variety of BORGWARD cars. I recently fulfilled a boyhood wish by purchasing a gorgeous red Isabella Coupé Cabriolet that is now undergoing restoration. I can hardly wait to get behind the wheel.

Will your Isabella have to share the garage with the first new BORGWARD?

Without question. BORGWARD's history is fascinating, but it's important to look forward, which is why we have been working so hard over the last 10 years. We are rolling out BORGWARD cars that are worthy of the name because they are luxurious, inventive and bold. Just like those of my grandfather.

A Famous Logo

A famous logo, reimagined

The new BORGWARD badge symbolises the beginning of a new era for the time-honoured brand – it will be a prominent feature on the front of all new BORGWARD vehicles. Its contemporary three-dimensional design immediately defines the brand's mission. The new logo presents BORGWARD as an aspirational and dynamic brand bristling with highly innovative technology, creative design, and a thoroughly German sense of quality.

Its diamond shape is a clear interpretation of the world-famous historic BORGWARD trademark. The diamond consists of four triangles, two of which are coloured red – a reference to the flag of the

German city of Bremen, where Carl F. W. Borgward established his company in the 1920s. The red segments are set off against triangular voids, which distinctively add depth to the badge while revealing the car's underlying paint finish at the same time.

The company’s design chiefs have sympathetically refined both the fundamental shape and

German city of Bremen, where Carl F. W. Borgward established his company in the 1920s. The red segments are set off against triangular voids, which distinctively add depth to the badge while revealing the car's underlying paint finish at the same time.

The company’s design chiefs have sympathetically refined both the fundamental shape and

German city of Bremen, where Carl F. W. Borgward established his company in the 1920s. The red segments are set off against triangular voids, which distinctively add depth to the badge while revealing the car's underlying paint finish at the same time.

The company’s design chiefs have sympathetically refined both the fundamental shape and


What distinguishes a brand with premium aspirations? And how can those ambitions be realised after a 50-year absence? The renaissance of BORGWARD is a major undertaking, without parallel in the car industry. Christian Borgward and his team must translate historic brand values into contemporary positioning and technology. All involved are proud of BORGWARD’s heritage, but know instinctively that the road ahead is vastly more important than the path behind.

What distinguishes a brand with premium aspirations? And how can those ambitions be realised after a 50-year absence? The renaissance of BORGWARD is a major undertaking, without parallel in the car industry. Christian Borgward and his team must translate historic brand values into contemporary positioning and technology. All involved are proud of BORGWARD’s heritage, but know instinctively that the road ahead is vastly more important than the path behind.

BORGWARD is seeking to identify the real needs of drivers in a period of great transformation in society, during which mobility patterns are radically changing. Truly pivotal and groundbreaking technologies should not be the preserve of the few – throughout BORGWARD's history, the democratisation of seminal, efficient technology has been a constant priority.

Apart from satisfying the obvious requirements, including a Euro NCAP five-star rating, the brand aspires to instil pride in its owners by way of dynamic, functional and superior design, just as the Isabella gave drivers in the Fifties the sense of owning a car that was uniquely special. Nowadays advanced communication and entertainment technologies rank alongside design as elements that are essential in a car built for enduring pleasure. They’re also expensive and technically difficult to integrate for any car company, never mind one that’s been dormant for half a century. BORGWARD’s team is therefore paying particular attention to these areas. A modern management system that promotes, rather than hinders, innovation is a matter of course for BORGWARD. The engineers in the team are expected constantly to question every aspect of the design until the best possible solution is found.

BORGWARD is also eager to leverage as much benefit as possible from diversity, and a truly multi-cultural development team is at work ensuring that the new BORGWARD cars have a genuinely global appeal. This multicultural approach is likewise mirrored in the global reach of the business model. Carl F. W. Borgward was already looking well beyond the borders of Europe in his day, but 60 years later the available opportunities have been multiplied by international connectivity.

As a German automotive manufacturer, BORGWARD is keen to recruit skills and talent from all around the world, and geographical borders and traditions certainly have no role to play when target markets are being defined. For BORGWARD, the customer is the global market – and the brand will be especially visible in the regions that offer the greatest potential.


BORGWARD's solid heritage and unrelenting drive to achieve perfection has given it an
inherently methodical approach. BORGWARD will consistently set the standards by which
carmakers from Germany are measured – precision is the attribute that defines its aspirations.
These include an ultra-modern manufacturing environment and a modular platform strategy.
Whenever it makes sense to collaborate with external partners, BORGWARD scans the global
portfolio of suppliers before identifying those most consistent with the brand's quality mission.
Close partnerships have already been forged with the Robert Bosch Group, ZF and Aisin.
This policy further enables the company to guarantee process safety and extensive
standardisation so that it can offer, at reasonable prices, technology that is not only first-rate,
but also mature and dependable – in short, accessible premium quality.

This global approach also allows the necessary scaling of state-of-the-art technology,
the setting of different priorities in discreet regions, and fresh solutions. Innovative all-wheel
drive systems and cutting-edge diesel engines serve as examples in this context.
BORGWARD was already pioneering compression ignition engines back in 1952,

This global approach also allows the necessary scaling of state-of-the-art technology,
the setting of different priorities in discreet regions, and fresh solutions. Innovative all-wheel
drive systems and cutting-edge diesel engines serve as examples in this context.
BORGWARD was already pioneering compression ignition engines back in 1952,

This global approach also allows the necessary scaling of state-of-the-art technology,
the setting of different priorities in discreet regions, and fresh solutions. Innovative all-wheel
drive systems and cutting-edge diesel engines serve as examples in this context.
BORGWARD was already pioneering compression ignition engines back in 1952,