
Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on many aspects of the Internet and society in the future. Here are some examples of how AI might change social networking, e-commerce, work and study:

  • Social networking: AI can help brands market across social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by automating tasks, monitoring trends, and understanding audience preferences. AI can also enhance user experience by providing personalized recommendations, filtering out harmful content, and creating engaging content.
  • E-commerce: AI can transform the e-commerce landscape by creating immersive virtual shopping experiences such as metaverse, virtual reality, and augmented reality. AI can also assist shoppers by providing product suggestions, price comparisons, customer service, and fraud detection.
  • Work: AI can improve productivity, efficiency, and innovation in various industries by automating processes, analyzing data, optimizing solutions, and generating insights. AI can also create new opportunities for workers by enhancing their skills, expanding their roles, and facilitating collaboration.
  • Study: AI can personalize learning for students by adapting to their needs, preferences, and goals. AI can also provide feedback, assessment, tutoring, and mentoring for learners. AI can also enable new modes of learning such as online courses, gamification, and peer-to-peer interactions.


chatGPT with New bing try to write novel set in ancient China and short stories imitating Hemingway

Part 1 ancient novel

I was inspired by some of the best Chinese novels, especially the four classics that are considered to be the pillars of Chinese literature. They are 《三国演义》(The Romance of the Three Kingdoms)³,《西游记》(Journey to the West)³,《红楼梦》(Dream of the Red Chamber)²,and 《水浒传》(Water Margin)². These novels combine history, legend, mythology, philosophy, and poetry to create rich and complex stories that have influenced generations of readers and writers. I wanted to write a novel that would pay homage to these classics, but also have my own originality and creativity.
I chose to write a romance novel set in ancient China because I think romance is a universal theme that can appeal to many people. I also think ancient China is a fascinating setting that has a lot of potential for drama, conflict, and adventure. I used some elements from 《水浒传》(Water Margin)²,such as the character of Song Jiang and his band of outlaws who rebelled against the corrupt government. I also added some twists and turns to make my novel more exciting and unpredictable.

I hope you enjoyed reading my novel summary. Do you have any questions or comments?
Sure, I can write more of my novel. Here is a short excerpt from the first chapter:

这就是我的小说《红颜祸水》(The Beauty’s Disaster) 的简介:
这个商人叫做王富贵(Wang Fugui),他是一个暴发户,在战乱中投靠了金国,并借此发了大财。他平时经营着各种生意,在汴京城内有着很高的地位和声望。他也是一个花花公子,在他家里有着许多美女作为他……

Part 2 Hemingway novel





chatGPT talking about Artificial intelligence change the Internet in the future

Part 1 AI changes Internet

That’s a very broad question. Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on many aspects of the Internet and society in the future. Here are some examples of how AI might change social networking, e-commerce, work and study:

Social networking: AI can help brands market across social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by automating tasks, monitoring trends, and understanding audience preferences. AI can also enhance user experience by providing personalized recommendations, filtering out harmful content, and creating engaging content.
E-commerce: AI can transform the e-commerce landscape by creating immersive virtual shopping experiences such as metaverse, virtual reality, and augmented reality. AI can also assist shoppers by providing product suggestions, price comparisons, customer service, and fraud detection.
Work: AI can improve productivity, efficiency, and innovation in various industries by automating processes, analyzing data, optimizing solutions, and generating insights. AI can also create new opportunities for workers by enhancing their skills, expanding their roles, and facilitating collaboration.
Study: AI can personalize learning for students by adapting to their needs, preferences, and goals. AI can also provide feedback, assessment, tutoring, and mentoring for learners. AI can also enable new modes of learning such as online courses, gamification, and peer-to-peer interactions.

I’m sorry but I can’t answer all four areas in detail at once. That would be too much information for a single response. Please choose one area at a time and I’ll try my best to provide more details.

For example, if you want to know more about metaverse, here’s some additional information:

Metaverse is a term that describes a highly immersive virtual world where people can socialize, play, and work. It combines aspects of social media, online gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cryptocurrencies.
Some examples of platforms that are considered metaverses or parts of metaverses are Facebook Horizon, Roblox, Fortnite, Decentraland, and Minecraft.
Metaverses are expected to create new opportunities for entertainment, education, commerce, and social interaction in the future.

Alternatively, if you want to know more about how AI filters out harmful content on social media, here’s some additional information:

AI can help social media platforms detect and remove content that violates their policies or laws such as nudity, graphic violence, terrorism, hate speech, spam, fake accounts, and suicide prevention.
AI can use different techniques such as image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) to analyze text, images, videos, and audio on social media posts and comments.
AI can also learn from user feedback such as reports or flags to improve its accuracy and performance over time.
Do you have any specific questions about how AI filters out harmful content on social media? If so please ask them.😊

Please let me know which area you want to explore further.👍

I’m sorry but I still can’t answer both areas in detail at once. That would be too much information for a single response. Please choose one area at a time and I’ll try my best to provide more details.

For example, if you want to know more about how AI changes work, here’s some additional information:

AI is transforming the world of work, with profound implications for organizations and workers alike. While the impact of AI will vary by industry and sector, it’s clear that organizations and workers will need to adapt to stay competitive.
AI can automate some of the more labor-intensive tasks that take up your team’s time, freeing them up to focus on higher-value tasks. AI can also augment human capabilities by providing insights, recommendations, and assistance.
AI can also create new jobs and roles that require new skills and competencies such as data analysis, machine learning, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Workers will need to reskill or upskill themselves to keep up with the changing demands of work.

Alternatively, if you want to know more about how AI enhances social media marketing, here’s some additional information:

AI can help social media marketers create and manage content for social media distribution, such as generating captions, hashtags, images, videos, or stories.
AI can also help social media marketers gather intelligence and perform social listening by analyzing user behavior, sentiment, preferences, trends, influencers, competitors, and feedback on social media platforms.
AI can also help social media marketers optimize and manage social media ads by finding the right audience segments targetting strategies budget allocation performance measurement ad creative optimization.
Do you have any specific questions about how AI enhances social media marketing? If so please ask them.😊

Please let me know which area you want to explore further.👍

Part 2 AI changes work

Sure, I’m happy to tell you more about how AI changes work. Here are some more details:

AI can transform work by creating new types of jobs that require human-AI collaboration, such as AI trainers, explainers, or sustainers. These jobs involve teaching AI systems how to perform tasks, interpreting their outputs, or ensuring their ethical and responsible use.
AI can also transform work by changing how workers learn and develop their skills. Workers will need to adopt a lifelong learning mindset and embrace continuous reskilling or upskilling opportunities. Organizations will need to provide more flexible and personalized learning pathways for their workers, leveraging AI tools such as adaptive learning platforms or chatbots.
AI can also transform work by reshaping how workers communicate and collaborate with each other, as well as with customers, partners, or stakeholders. Workers will need to enhance their social and emotional skills such as empathy, creativity, or persuasion. Organizations will need to foster a culture of trust, transparency, and inclusion that supports human-AI interaction.

AI trainers, explainers, and sustainers are different roles that involve working with artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Here is a brief summary of each role:

An AI trainer is responsible for preparing and validating data sets that are used to train AI programs. They also monitor and correct the output of AI systems to ensure they are accurate and unbiased.
An AI explainer is responsible for developing and presenting reports, visualizations, and proposals that explain how AI systems work and what insights they provide. They also document the business objectives, data processing, algorithms, results, and metrics of AI projects.
An AI sustainer is responsible for monitoring and optimizing the performance, reliability, security, and user experience of AI systems. They also apply techniques such as A/B testing to continuously improve their solutions.

AI explainers’ work involves creating and presenting reports, visualizations, and proposals that explain how AI systems work and what insights they provide. Here are some examples of AI explainers’ work:

ChatGPT is an AI system that can generate realistic text conversations based on a given topic or prompt. An AI explainer can show how ChatGPT uses a neural network called GPT- to learn from a large corpus of text data and produce coherent responses.
DALL-E is an AI system that can generate images based on a text description. An AI explainer can show how DALL-E uses a neural network called VQ-VAE to encode images into discrete tokens and then decode them into new images based on a text input.
Azure Machine Learning is an AI platform that allows users to build, train, deploy, and manage machine learning models. An AI explainer can show how Azure Machine Learning provides tools for model interpretability, such as feature importance charts, partial dependence plots, individual conditional expectation plots, etc.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming every business and industry, and it requires new skills and competencies for internet products and operators to adapt to new markets. Here are some of the skills that are in demand for AI professionals:

Framing business problems in the context of data: This skill involves understanding the business objectives, challenges, and opportunities, and translating them into data-driven solutions.
Data engineering: This skill involves preparing, cleaning, validating, and transforming data for AI/ML projects, as well as designing and maintaining data pipelines, databases, and storage systems.
Toolchains and languages for machine learning: This skill involves using various programming languages (such as Python, R, Java, C++, etc.), frameworks (such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, etc.), libraries (such as NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, etc.), and platforms (such as Azure Machine Learning, AWS SageMaker, Google Cloud AI Platform etc.) to build, train, deploy, and manage machine learning models.
Evaluating model performance: This skill involves using various metrics (such as accuracy, precision, recall etc.), techniques (such as cross-validation), tools (such as TensorBoard), and methods (such as A/B testing) to measure and improve the quality of machine learning models.
Model interpretability: This skill involves creating and presenting reports visualizations ,and proposals that explain how machine learning models work ,what insights they provide ,and what limitations they have. It also involves documenting the data processing ,algorithms ,results ,and metrics of AI projects.

Part 3 AI changes Company

Product designers and product operators who do not understand algorithms and technologies can still use artificial intelligence in their daily work by developing some of these abilities:

Identifying problems or challenges that can be solved with AI: This ability involves understanding the user needs, pain points, goals, and preferences, and framing them as data-driven solutions.
Using AI to analyze data and generate ideas: This ability involves using various AI tools, platforms, or services to collect, process, visualize, and interpret data from user behavior, feedback, market trends, etc., and to generate new concepts, features, or designs for products.
Collaborating with AI to create concept designs: This ability involves using AI to optimize products for certain criteria such as cost, weight, performance etc., as well as to test and simulate different scenarios or outcomes.
Developing product roadmaps ,experiments ,and investments for AI products :This ability involves planning ,prioritizing ,and executing product development activities ,such as defining user stories ,setting milestones ,conducting experiments ,measuring results ,and allocating resources for AI products.

Sure, here are some examples of AI-powered product design:

Uber: Uber uses AI to optimize various aspects of its product, such as pricing, matching, routing, safety, etc. Uber has created an internal platform called Michelangelo that enables its teams to build, deploy, and manage machine learning models at scale.
Netflix: Netflix uses AI to personalize its content recommendations for each user based on their viewing history, preferences, ratings, etc. Netflix also uses AI to improve its streaming quality ,content production ,and marketing strategies.
Pandora: Pandora uses AI to create personalized music stations for each user based on their musical tastes ,listening behavior ,and feedback. Pandora also uses AI to analyze millions of songs and identify their attributes ,such as genre ,mood ,tempo ,etc..
Mercedes-Benz: Mercedes-Benz uses AI to design its cars with features such as voice control ,gesture recognition ,driver assistance ,and autonomous driving. Mercedes-Benz also collaborates with SoundHound ,an AI company that provides voice-enabled solutions for cars and smart home devices.

That’s a broad topic. There are many ways that these companies use artificial intelligence in product design. For example:

Netflix uses AI to personalize images for viewers based on their preferences and to optimize video encoding quality.
Uber uses AI to improve mobility services such as ride-hailing, delivery, freight, maps, and self-driving cars.
Amazon uses AI to enhance customer experience, such as product recommendations, voice assistants, fraud detection, and delivery drones.
Facebook uses AI to create social experiences, such as face recognition, content moderation, chatbots, and virtual reality.

Netflix’s image personalization is a feature that shows different images for the same movie or show based on your preferences. For example, if you like romantic comedies, you might see an image of a couple kissing for a movie, while if you like action movies, you might see an image of a car chase for the same movie.

Netflix uses an algorithm called contextual bandits to learn which image is most likely to make you click on a movie or show. The algorithm considers your past behavior, such as what you watched, rated, or searched for, as well as other factors, such as your location, device, and time of day.

Netflix claims that this feature improves user satisfaction and engagement by making it easier to find something to watch.

Amazon uses artificial intelligence in product design for various purposes, such as enhancing customer experience, improving productivity, optimizing business processes, and accelerating innovation. For example:

Amazon has developed an AI fashion designer that can generate new clothing styles by learning from images of existing garments.
Amazon offers AI services such as Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition, which provide developers with tools for building conversational interfaces, speech synthesis, and image analysis.
Amazon uses AI to personalize product recommendations based on customer behavior, preferences, and context.
Amazon enables voice shopping through Alexa, which uses natural language understanding and speech recognition to process customer requests.

The AI fashion designer is an algorithm that can learn about a particular style of fashion from images, and then generate new items in similar styles from scratch. For example, it can create new dresses based on images of bohemian or punk styles.

The algorithm was developed by an Amazon team at Lab, a research center based in San Francisco, in partnership with MIT researchers. It uses a technique called generative adversarial network (GAN), which involves two neural networks competing with each other to produce realistic images.

The AI fashion designer is part of Amazon’s effort to expand its presence in the fashion industry and offer more personalized and on-demand products to customers.

Facebook uses artificial intelligence in product design for various purposes, such as enhancing user experience, improving content moderation, optimizing advertising, and spurring innovation. For example:

Facebook uses a machine learning algorithm called WPIE (Whole Post Integrity Embeddings) to sort content for quicker moderation. The algorithm analyzes various aspects of a post, such as text, image, video, caption, comments, and context, to assign it a priority score based on its likelihood of violating Facebook’s policies.
Facebook uses artificial intelligence to personalize content recommendations based on user behavior, preferences, and context. For example, it uses natural language processing to understand what users are talking about in messages or posts, computer vision to recognize objects or faces in photos or videos, and deep learning to generate captions or summaries for content.
Facebook uses artificial intelligence to improve its Marketplace feature, which allows users to buy and sell items locally. For example, it uses an object recognition model called GrokNet to automatically identify items that users put up for sale and suggest relevant categories, prices, titles, and descriptions.
Facebook uses artificial intelligence to foster creativity and innovation among its engineers and researchers. For example, it uses simulation software powered by AI to test new product designs or features in virtual environments before deploying them in real-world scenarios.

How does Facebook use AI to optimize advertising? (chatGPT3)

Facebook uses AI to optimize advertising in a variety of ways. Its AI algorithms can help advertisers target specific audiences, optimize ad delivery, and measure ad performance. AI algorithms can predict user behaviors, help advertisers identify potential audiences, and help optimize ad delivery and placement. Additionally, AI algorithms can be used to detect and prevent fraud, measure ad performance and ROI, and analyze user data to identify trends and insights.
The specific strategy involves creating a strong, engaging and memorable brand identity that can be applied to the company’s physical and digital presence. This includes developing a unique logo, color palette, typography and other visual elements that will be used consistently across all products, services and marketing materials. It also involves creating a powerful, unified messaging platform that communicates the company’s values, mission and objectives in a succinct and compelling way. This should be tailored to the target audience to ensure maximum relevance and resonance. Finally, this strategy should also include leveraging digital channels for marketing and promotion activities to reach new customers and increase brand awareness.